Tuesday, May 22, 2007

EMC World - Monday

Today was a whirlwind of fun and learning. There are over 8,000 people here at EMC World from all over the world.

This morning was kicked-off by my lovely little Embassy Suites coffee maker and a banana. Yum! After getting ready and heading out into the gorgeous Orlando weather, I headed to the Pavillion inside the conference center to hear Mr. Tucci's keynote. (It's no wonder we're such an awesome company!)

The stage looked awesome:

Then of course the gentleman in front of me decided to sit up straight and this was my view for the rest of Tucci's keynote:

So after Mr. Tucci finished, the chairman of our new Information Heritage Initiative stood up to introduce the program and talk about how we are the guardians of information past for those to come. It was moving and nice to be part of a company who supports such endeavours.
In the middle of it all, Randy (Fidelity) and I noticed an odd sound coming from the gentleman beside of him... yes, you guessed it, the dude was fast asleep emitting an annoying nasal snore through most of the Information Heritage presentation - classy! Even better, in the spirit of the Information Heritage Initiative, we've captured the image to ensure our future generations can view it (plus it's hilarious...)
Following a video about the Information Heritage Initiative,
The CTO of SI (Smithsonian Institute) came onstage to speak. You gotta admire this woman - very sweet, on top of her game, and making a mark on the future.

Following the speeches, we broke out into sessions then headed to lunch and the showroom where all of the booths are. I ran into some motley folks while meandering:

(Left to right: Mike Evans (Fidelity) with his eyes closed , me (EMC), Randy Miller (Fidelity), John Rasku (Fidelity), and the insanely brilliant architect / developer / idea guy / SOA guru / comedian / tolerator Mike Mohen (EMC).

I also bumped into these good lookin' folks:
(Left to right: JQ - Jeff Quiggle (EMC), Pat Smith (EMC), me again (EMC), and Mr. Rob Louks (EMC).

And so the day continued with sessions and keynotes. At the end of the day, we headed off to a Martini Mixer at the Peabody then enjoyed the evening with more of the Fidelity team at the Peabody and headed back to the hotel to catch-up on email and work stuff and now I blog.
More tomorrow...

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